Thank you all for the kind words! It make me feel better in my new home.
I will post here all the things I like, my works and free images. I will never again lost all my pictures and references lybraries. Digital imagery is a good thing, but what when you lost all? The blog is good way to have the informations you want in every place.
So, enjoy, print and work with this beautiful pictures. It is all for free use. Only the inspiration tag you have to see as an inpiration. Do not copy it, it is a work from an other artist.
2 Kommentare:
Gaby, I had no idea that you lost all of your digital archives! You truly had a wonderful collection. I also had no idea that you moved to a new country. Best of luck in your new home. Hugs, Terri xoxoxo
Wow, die sieht ja hübsch aus! Danke Gaby!
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