My life has change a lot. Since June I am living in Viena, Austria. And my husband is sick in a hospital, he will have a big surgery on this days and I am alone at our new home.
All my art stuff is in Brazil. All this pictures I collected over the years are on my computer in Brazil, my Photoshop, my paints, papers, all. Nobody will send it to me.
So, I have only paper, acrylic paints, and fiber pens. No stamps, no stencils, nothing.
I am trying to get again some images to work with, but meanwhile I am drawing with my pens.
I don't have a scanner but some antique photos I have bought on a fleemarket, I will try to take some pictures from them with me camera and post all here.
Sorry to Martina, I was too busy in the last months!
Hope to blog again, maybe I feel not so alone...
7 Kommentare:
Gaby, Can I send you anything? What would help?
Ach, Gaby! Ich habe mir schon Sorgen gemacht und ich dachte mir schon, dass irgendetwas nicht in Ordnung ist. Das mit Deinem Mann tut mir wirklich sehr leid. Ich wünsche Euch beiden alles, alles Gute und Deinem Mann gute Besserung.
Kopf hoch, es geht immer wieder ein Türchen auf:-)
Und, mach` Dir bitte keine Gedanken wegen dem Paket.
Wenn ich irgendetwas für Dich tun kann, dann lass es mich bitte wissen, okay?
Ich wünsche Dir viel Kraft und drücke Dich ganz fest
Liebe Grüße
Aw Gaby, I am so sorry to hear of your husbands surgery and illness. I do hope he has a successful and speedy recovery. I feel sorry that you are alone in a new place. Can I sen you some supplies? Magazines, paints? Let me know.
Take care and keep your chin up. I love this image you created. Very cool!
Gaby, I send you and your family well wishes, sprinkles of magic upon your heart, and clarity to see all the goodness in your life right now.
OH, Gaby!!! I'm so sorry to hear that you and your husband are going through such a difficult time. Please know that many prayers are being said for strength, courage and good health. Many blessings & Hugs, Terri xoxo
Oh Gaby, I am so sorry to hear this. I was getting very worried about you. I will keep you & your husband in my thoughts. I hope all goes well with his surgery. I hate it that you are feeling so alone. Please know we care! Please let me know if there's anything I can do.
Big hugs & kisses to you!
Querida Gaby, a sua arte esta em voce, onde voce for ela a acompanhara! Nunca se esqueca disso! Logo vc vai encher o seu ape de collages e todo o material que precisa! Fica bem!
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