Today I received this Award from Paulo - http://scale-files.blogspot.com .
Paulo has a lot of graphics you can use in your work. Take a look at his blog.
I must nominate 15 other lovely blog and this is a hard work, because there are so many lovely blogs.
We can do the following thing: all people who visit my blog today can have this award.
Thanks Paulo.
3 Kommentare:
Congratulations, Gaby. You certainly deserve it! Hugs, Diane
Hello Gaby! I have to admit I have been a lurker on your blog! :O) I have a little lovely on my blog for you! http://crowabout.blogspot.com
Thank you for always inspiring and sharing your talent with the world!
nao ha de que agradecer.
Adoro visitar seu blog...e sempre um preente para meus olhos....e colecionar seus "freebies".
Obrigado por recomendar o meu....os arquivos de corte sao...meus 2 centavos de contribuicao as pessoas talentosasamente criativas como voce que possam se interessar em usalos na maquina de corte eletronico Cricut.
Obrigado por tudo que vc disponibiza aos seus leitores.
Grande abraco,
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