Montag, 5. Oktober 2009

Free collage sheet

I took this picture from and made some PS alterations.
Clearly vintage has a lot of pictures for free download and also some gorgeous stamps.

7 Kommentare:

Ragamuffin Gal hat gesagt…

Thank you so much! You are a wonderful artist! Blessings!

Tumble Fish Studio hat gesagt…

A beautiful sheet! Thank you! What lovely images! Your blog is a pure visual feast!

Celeste hat gesagt…

Lovely Gaby. Thanks for sharing. Celeste

K hat gesagt…

gorgeous little girl! thanks for sharing!

Audrey hat gesagt…

Thank you for this freebie, gorgeous!!

Barb hat gesagt…

How adorable!! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Gayle Page-Robak hat gesagt…

Great collage, Gaby...thank you for sharing!