Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2008

Art Museum from São Bernardo - MASB

Over 30 years João, from Henfil, an at space from São Bernardo, collected the works from known and unknown artists from Brazil. His dream was to have an Museum.
Today this dream came through.

Finally São Bernardo has a Museum, a small but very beautiful Museum.

Fabio Amsterdam was the curator of the first exhibition.

I'm very proud to have three works there.

2 Kommentare:

Evidence of an Artistic Life hat gesagt…

You should be very proud!!! This is an incredible accomplishment!!!! Congratulations to you!!!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Vi sua obra "Composição" no catálogo da mostra de abertura do MASB. Me pareceu muito boa. Pena que agora não é possível vê-la in loco, pois a nova administração fechou o MASB em janeiro deste ano sem dar nenhuma explicação oficial.Veja a notícia em: