Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2008

One World - One Heart - The Winner

The Winner of "One World - One Heart" is "morgen"

How was the procedure:

1. I put on a number on every comment, in order by the date/time of entry.
2. Next, I took my "bingo" and sorted out the winner.
3. And the winner was the number 41 (Morgen) .

2 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Hi Gaby.
I feel so blessed to have won your beautiful textile collage. Thank-you, thank-you so much. Wow! I'm overwhelmed and grateful to all the wonderful people who contributed to this great event. Here is my email:

johanna hat gesagt…

ich hab bei diesem ganzen OWOH-giveaway mal wieder geschlafen;) vielleicht denk ich nächstes jahr dran...
deine bingo-losmethode finde ich total witzig! sowas hab ich ja noch nie gesehen...